Dr Kezell Klink was requested by the Principal at Danville Secondary School to assist by talking to the grade 12’s about how she managed to overcome challenges of coming from that area and reaching the level of achieving her PhD. She has been visiting the school for a number of years and is strongly motivated to build upon this excellent relationship. The results of the grade 12’s improved tremendously and the principal received an award for best matric results in the district of which they achieved 89% pass rate.
She has also invited exam preparation ceremony where the learners received their letters with exam numbers and witnesses signing off the pledge and ended up speaking at their matric farewell. The welcome, appreciation and commitment received are highly appreciated and always acknowledged as the principal Mrs Blighnaut is very cooperative and have a passion for empowering the learners.
On 07 September 2020, an invitation was extended to motivate the grade 12’s as the examinations are approaching and the request was not only to motivate but also to provide them with study tips as they were all negatively affected by Covid-19 in that they had to remain home for a long period of time. I realized that the learners are dedicated and need to be encouraged to run the last lap and I was most certainly not going to let them down.
These are our possible future student (clients) and we have the responsibility of providing them with the necessary guidance and of course support which is essential in order to assist them to move towards the next level of their lives, which is higher education.
The youth of today are bombarded with so many negativity (dropout, suicide, substance abuse, domestic violence and many more) and they need positive enforcement. They say charity begins at home and by motivating and engaging directly with the youth on an ongoing basis, will result in responsible young adults entering the higher education sphere in particular NWU. As they will be aware of what it is that we do prior to them stepping onto the campus.