The application of positive psychology is easy when everything is going according to plan, however, its true value emerges when faced with lockdown regulations and a 750-hour psychometric practicum to be completed in the same year. From sweet to sour, Industrial Psychology Honours students’ eager anticipation at the beginning of the year quickly took a turn for the worst when the possibility became evident that they might not finish their practicum this year.


Challenges always hold hidden opportunities, and for the creative and determined mind, a chance to problem solve, explore and innovate. Challenge accepted!


Blended learning principles combined with out-of-the-box ideas, good stakeholder relations, referrals and a willingness to accommodate and fight the anxiety that comes with uncertainty, allowed this practicum to continue. Instead of clients visiting campus where student interns could easily control the testing environment, they were willing to visit client homes and ensure compliance to both environmental requirements and COVID regulations. When one door closes such as typical testing opportunities at schools, another door opens such as case study webinars, which might not have been explored at all if not for the forced change.


Does this mean that the practicum will be easily completed this year? No, not necessarily, but where there is a will, there is a way. We can’t direct the wind, but we (students and lecturers) will continue to adjust our sails whilst learning new skills along the way to our goal, which we WILL reach, even if it takes us a little longer...