He holds six degrees from four South African Universities: Stellenbosch (SU), South Africa (UNISA), Potchefstroom for CHE (PUCHE) and the North-West (NWU). He obtained in 1970 the BA (Majors: Psychology/History) from SU, in 1971 the Hon BA (Psychology) and in 1976 the MA (Psychology) from UNISA. He holds three doctorates from South African universities: respectively a DPhil (1984) and a PhD (1991), both in Psychology, from PUCHE, and a PhD (2018) in Governance and Political Transformation, from NWU. He also holds the Certificate University Education (CUE) from PUCHE (1981).
GABRIEL LOUW, a psychologist, historian, academic, educator, researcher and writer, is a professor-emeritus of the Potchefstroom University of Christian Higher Education (PUCHE) and the North-West University (NWU), South Africa, where he lectured to under- and postgraduates and did comprehensive research and the supervising of dissertations/theses at the Department of Psychology (1980-1995) of PUCHE and at the Faculty of Education (2009-2013) of the Mahikeng-campus, NWU. After his retirement at the NWU, he was appointed by the NWU in its Focus Area Social Transformation (FAST) at the Faculty of Humanities, Potchefstroom-campus: in 2016 as a research fellow, in 2019 as an extraordinary researcher and since 2020 as an extraordinary professor. Since the 1st August 2022 he is appointed as an extraordinary professor in the entity Global Innovative Forefront Talent: Leadership Development (GIFT) at the faculty of Economics and Management Sciences, Mahikeng-campus of NWU.
He was also the head of two South African private accredited tertiary institutions and worked as senior consultant in the South African private tertiary sector (1996-2008). He designed, developed and registered multitude graduate and postgraduate programs, including three MBAs, for private tertiary institutions with the South African Higher Education Authorities (SAHEA).
He started his career in the South African Civil Service as a teacher (1968-1969), an archivist (1970-1972) and a psychologist (1973-1979).
Prof. Louw’s main research interests are academic/educational development and management, leadership, healthcare and political history, as well as the individual’s constitutional and political rights. His focus is on project-research to activate series of accredited articles, the publishing of books and the delivery of article-format-theses. He is well-experienced in face to face and distance/online teaching/supervising.