Juan Carlos Martín is a Full Professor of Applied Economics at the Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria. He was Vice-Dean of Economics (2002-2009) and Vice-Dean of International Relations (2009-2013) at the Faculty of Economics, Business Administration and Tourism. He is the current Vice-president of the Network of European Transport and Communications Activities Research (NECTAR
He has a long history of research in a multidisciplinary area of expertise ranging from transport and tourism economics, accessibility, service quality, satisfaction, and behavioural analysis in social sciences to aquaculture consumer preferences and eco-labelling. His research is widely cited in academia and frequently used by policy and decision-makers. In his broad area of expertise, he has acted as a consultant to several Public Administrations and some other private institutions. He has led competitive projects and frequently acts as an expert for some National Research Centres. Member of the Committee of Experts of the Directorate General for Regional Policy on the evaluation, implementation and monitoring of cohesion policy interventions.
Director of the PhD programme on Integral Development and Innovation of Tourism Destinations from 01/09/2011 to 31/12/2014. He has published more than 100 articles in peer-reviewed journals, is the European Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Journal and is on the editorial board of 8 academic journals, including some of the leading international journals in tourism and transport economics. He has supervised or co-directed twelve doctoral theses over the last 10 years. According to Web of Science (WoS), he is the author of 110 publications with a total of 2010 citations and 26 h-index. According to Scopus, he is the author of 115 publications with a total of 2389 citations and 27 h-index. WoS and Scopus were updated on 5 December 2022.