Botswana Minister obtains his PhD from the NWU Business School
We wish to extend a huge congratulations to the Minister of Land and Water Affairs of the Republic of Botswana, Dr Kefentse C. Mzwinila, for graduating with a PhD degree from the NWU Business School today, 25 May 2022.
Dr Mzwinila graduated from Lafayette College in the United States of America with a BA degree in Economics and Business Administration, and a BSc degree in Psychology.
He possesses a diploma in military science. He graduated from Yale University in the United States of America with a MA degree in International and Development Economics, and an MSc degree in Psychology.
He was a commissioned officer in the Botswana Defence Force before going into private practice as a clinical psychologist and consultant economist. He is a former National Youth Chairman and leader of the Youth Wing of the ruling party.
He is a former member of the central committee of the Botswana Democratic Party. He is a former nominated councillor, a member of parliament, and a former assistant minister of Youth, Sports, and Culture. He currently serves as the Minister of Land and Water Affairs of the Republic of Botswana.
According to the NWU Business School’s Prof Joseph Lekunze who served as Dr Mzwinila’s promoter during his studies, his work title “Exploring and developing a framework for knowledge management in the Botswana Water Utility Corporation”, argued that the country economic growth particularly in agriculture, mining and household welfare is largely dependent on the proper management of its water resources.
“That on one hand there is the problem of limited water resources availability and on the other end, there is an ever increasing demand for water resources in the phase of serious climate change challenges. Hence, there was a need to develop a framework for knowledge management in the Botswana Water Utility Corporation so as to better respond to these unfolding challenges,” Prof Lekunze commented.
The NWU Business School wishes to extend our congratulations to Dr Mzwinila for the hard work and effort he put into this study. We are privileged to have you as an alumnus!
- Dr Mzwinila’s PhD was promoted by Prof Joseph Lekunze of the NWU Business School, and Prof A Orkharadia, who is an external academic.
Minister of Land and Water Affairs of the Republic of Botswana, Dr Kefentse C. Mzwinila
Submitted on Wed, 05/25/2022 - 09:45