Research & Innovation: Economic and Management Sciences

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Research Units:

Optentia Research Unit

Development and organising knowledge for the optimal expression of individual, social and institutional potential, with a specific interest in the African context.

Tourism Research in Economics, Environs and Society - TREES

Improving the quality of life of communities while addressing relevant and current societal issues.


Identification and development of policies, measures and decision-support methodology.


Research Focus Areas:


Specialising in the fields of international trade and economic development.


Research Niche Areas:

Global Innovative Forefront Talent (GIFT)

Leading the research and practice of talent management as an applied science in the workplace. 

Management Cybernetics

Developing a business engineering mind-set to conduct research and develop pragmatic solutions.


Conducting research to inform innovative teaching and learning with technology.


Applied Risk Management (UARM)

Empowering senior risk stakeholders in the private and public sectors.

bhive Enterprise Development Centre

We empower individuals to turn their business visions into flourishing enterprises.