Staff - Tourism Management

  Dr Babalwa Mgxekwa-Qumba

  Base Building, Block A2H, G13, Mahikeng
  ND, B-Tech, MA, PhD
  Cultural heritage tourism, tourist experiences, willingness to pay, authenticity, memorable experiences, economic valuation, Liberation cultural heritage sites.

  Mrs Dineo Tsatsimpe

  +27 18 389 2439
  Base Building Block A2H, Room G23, Mahikeng
  B.Soc.Sc, BA Hons, M.Soc.Sc
  Community based tourism, events and hospitality management

  Ms Kgomotso Mereotlhe

  +27 18 389 2572
  Base Building, Block A2H, Room G184, Mahikeng
  MTech, BTech, ND
  Marketing for Tourism, Applied tourism management, tourism distribution, work integrated learning (WIL)

  Mrs Matildah Kutumela

  018 389 2597
  Base Building,Block A2H, G12, Mahikeng
  ND, B-Tech, M-Tech
  Sustainable tourism development, Pro-environmental behaviour & attitudes, Sustainable Tourism Practices.

  Dr Ncedo Ntloko

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2806
  Base Building, Block A2H, Room G15, Mahikeng
  ND, HDHET, BTech, BA Hons, MTech, PhD
  Tourism Development, tourism management, sport tourism, events

  Ms Phatshimo Innocantion Metsi

  +27 18 389 2415
  Base Building, Block A2H, Room G17, Mahikeng
  BA, BA Hons, MA
  Events and festivals, spending behaviour, and travel motivations

  Dr Walter Wessels

  Senior Lecturer and Programme Leader
  +27 18 389 2041
  Building A2, Block H, Room G10, Mahikeng
  BA, BA Hons, MA, PhD
  Tourism development, tourism management, purchase behaviour.

  Prof Peet van der Merwe

  +27 18 299 1812
  Building E3, Room 226, Potchefstroom
  BA, BA Hons, Masters and PhD
  Wildlife tourism, ecotourism, natural area tourism, sustainable tourism and marine tourism

  Prof Karin Botha

  +27 18 299 4219
  Building E3, Room 224, Potchefstroom
  PhD, MCom, Hons, BCom
  Events marketing, consumer/purchase behaviour.

  Dr Madeline Huyser

  +27 18 299 4219
  Building E3, Room 220, Potchefstroom
  BSc, BSc hons, MSc, PhD
  Ecotourism, environmental sciences and management, environmental psychology

  Prof Pierre-André Viviers

  +27 18 299 1805
  Building E3, Room 227, Potchefstroom
  PhD, MCom, BCom Hons, BCom.
  Events marketing, consumer/purchase behaviour.

  Dr Bianca Manners

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1497
  Building E3, Room 225, Potchefstroom
  BA, BA Hons, MA, PhD
  Events management, Tourism management, critical success factors, motivational aspects

  Dr Esmarie Myburgh

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1401
  Building E3, Room 222, Potchefstroom
  Bcom, Hons, MCom, PhD
  Sport tourism, sport event management and marketing and sport tourism commitment