WTO Chair Launch - Official Chair launch, Wednesday 17 September 2014 <-- Back to WTO Chair Launch Gallery The official chair launch was attended by delegates from the EU, members of the North West Provincial Government, the North-West University and various trade and policy think tanks and organisations within South Africa H.E. Mr Petri Salo (Finland) with H.E. Mrs Katya Deleva (Bulgaria) H.E. Mr Faizel Ismail, WTO DDG Mr David Shark, NWU Vice-Rector Prof Dan Kgwadi, H.E. Mr. Roeland van de Geer and Prof Wilma Viviers Mr David Shark, WTO Deputy Director-General, gave a speech at the launch Prof Dan Kgwadi gives a plaque to the new WTO Chair, Prof Wilma Viviers During Prof Wilma Viviers' acceptance address, making reference to the obstacles that South Africa faces as a country and also NWU together with the WTO can have a positive influence H.E. Mr. Roeland van de Geer (Head of the EU Delegation to the Republic of South Africa - 2014) H.E. Mr Faizel Ismail (South African Delegation to the World Trade Organization) Ms Phumzile Mmope EU delegates each received a gift from the NWU to thank them for coming to the WTO launch Ms Phumzile Mmope handed out the gifts and thanked each EU delegate individually Prof Wilma Viviers, director of TRADE and now also a WTO Chairholder, with Mr David Shark, Prof Dan Kgwadi and Mr Maarten Smeets