Postgraduate studies (Maintance)

TRADE postgrad


MCom in International Trade

MCom in Economics

MSc in Agricultural Economics

PhD in International Trade

PhD in Economics

PhD in Agricultural Economics

Entry requirements

MCom and MSc: The Master's degree programme is demanding from both an academic and time perspective and should not be entered into lightly. To be admitted to the Magister Comercii (MCom) or the Magister Scientiae (MSc) programme at the North-West University, you will need the following:

  • A BA Honours, BSc Honours or BCom Honours degree (or a qualification that has the status of a BA Honours, BSc Honours or BCom Honours degree approved by the Senate). The study content of the honours degree must be to the satisfaction of the Research Committee.
  • A minimum average of 65% in your Honours degree (or equivalent four-year degree).
  • A minimum average of 65% in the Honours degree (or fourth year degree level) modules on which your intended studies are to be based.
  • Strong research capabilities. Since the MCom and the MSc is primarily a research-based degree, your research capabilities must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Research Committee.
  • A completed focused research outline to aid the assessment committee in pairing you with a supervisor working in your intended field of study.
  • A satisfactory research proposal.
  • A good knowledge of econometrics or other modelling/statistical techniques.
  • Owing to the popularity and highly competitive nature of the MCom and the MSc programmes, all applications will undergo a thorough review process. Even if you meet the minimum entry requirements, you may not be admitted to the programme as the Research Committee reserves the right to take only a select number of applicants.

PhD: A PhD is designed to make new and original contributions to the discipline of Economics or International Trade. Students therefore need to be academically strong and disciplined, capable of working on their own and highly motivated. To be admitted to the Doctor Philosophiae (PhD) programme at the North-West University, you will need the following:

  • An applicable Master's degree (or a qualification that has the status of a Master's degree, as approved by the Senate). The study content of the Master's degree must be to the satisfaction of the Research Committee.
  • A minimum average of 65% in your Master's degree.
  • Strong research capabilities. Since the PhD is entirely a research-based degree, your research ability as a student must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Research Committee.
  • A completed focused research outline to aid the assessment committee in pairing you with a supervisor working in your intended field of study.
  • A satisfactory research proposal
  • A good knowledge of econometrics or other modelling/statistical techniques.
  • Owing to the popularity and highly competitive nature of the PhD programme, all applications will undergo a thorough review process. Even if you meet the minimum entry requirements, you may not be admitted to the programme as the Research Committee reserves the right to take only a select number of applicants.

How to apply

Please prepare a focused research outline to submit with your application. The research outline (not exceeding 350 words) should consist of:

  1. Your name and the proposed title of your dissertation/thesis.
  2. A short background on your choice of topic, a statement of the research problem, and the associated research question(s) that you intend to answer. (For this exercise, refer to – and list - at least three relevant academic sources.)
  3. Your proposed research design, including:

a. The methods you will use to answer the research question(s).

b. The kind of data you will need in order to answer the research question(s). Be as specific as possible and indicate whether you have access to the data. If not, how do you plan to access/collect the data?

  1. The potential practical and/or policy implications of your research.
  2. The academic contribution that you believe your research/study will make (not applicable to Masters’ studies)

Remember: The above is not a formal research proposal. The information will simply give the assessment committee an idea of your current thinking regarding your research aspirations and approach.

Please apply online at: