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Published articles
1. Annaert, J., Buelens, F. & Cuyvers, L. 2019. Returns on Foreign Investment during the pre-1914 era: The case of Russia. European Review of Economic History.
(Available from Oxford Academic)
2. Blaauw, P.F., Pretorius, A.M., Viljoen, K. & Schenck, C.J. 2019. Adaptive expectations and subjective well-being of landfill waste pickers in South Africa’s Free State province. Urban Forum. Forthcoming
3. Claassen, C. & Blaauw, D. "...what is going on in the lives of these people?" - Encouraging community engagement in Development Economics studies. SAGE Open. January-March 2019: 1-9.
(Available from SAGE Journals)
4. Coetzee, C.E. & Kleynhans, E.P.J. 2019. Estimating trade flows between regions of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. South African Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 22(2).54. Cooper, T.J. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Towards a developmental or welfare state: The case of South Africa. Administratio Publica, 27(1), 181-201.
5. Cuyvers, L. 2019. The 'ASEAN Way' and ASEAN's development gap with Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam: a critical view. Asia Pacific Business Review.
(Available from Taylor and Francis Online)
6. Cuyvers, L., Chen,L. & De Lombaerde, P. 2019. 50 years of regional integration in ASEAN. Asia Pacific Business Review.
(Available from Taylor and Francis Online)
7. De Jongh, J.J. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. The Multidimensional Regional Economic Development Index (MREDI) Applied in the North-West Province, A Rural Regional ApplicationAdministratio Publica, 27(3), 162-185.
8. De Villiers, J.C., Bezuidenhout, H., Grater, S. & Kleynhans, E.P.J. 2019. Determinants of cross-border mergers and acquisitions (M&As) in the freight and logistics industry of South Africa. Acta Commercii. 19(1):1-13. a725. https://doi.org/ 10.4102/ac.v19i1.725.
(Available from Acta Commercii)
9. Dyason, D., Rossouw, R. & Kleynhans, E.P.J. 2019. Economic impact assessment of a South African university campus: A case for promoting on-campus contact learning. South African Journal of Economic and Management Sciences. a3153, 22(1):1–11.
10. Efobi, U., Belmondo, T., Orkoh, E., Atata, S.N., Akinyemi, O. & Beecorft, I. 2019. Environmental pollution policy of small businesses in Nigeria and Ghana: extent and impact. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 26:2882-2897.
(Available from Springer Link)
11. Esaku, S. & Krugell, W.F. 2019. Firm-level investment and exporting: New empirical evidence from Ghana and Tanzania. International Economic Journal, Published online 11 Sep: https://doi.org/10.1080/10168737.2019.1663440.
(Available from Taylor and Francis Online)
10. Garidzirai, R., Meyer, D.F. & Muzindutsi, P.F. 2019. The imppact of economic sectors on local economic development (led): The case of Capricorn region, Limpopo province South Africa. International Journal of Economics and Finance Studies, 11(2):19-34.
11. Hassan, A.S., Meyer, D.F. & Kot, S. 2019. Effect of Institutional Quality and Wealth from Oil Revenue on Economic Growth in Oil-Exporting Developing Countries.Sustainability, 11(13), 3635 (1-14).
12. Hoffman, A.J., Grater, S., Venter, W.C., Maree, J. & Liebenberg, D. 2019. Designing a new methodology for customs risk models. World Customs Journal, 13(1);35-60.
13. Jansen van Rensburg, S.J., Rossouw, R. and Viviers, W. 2019. Liberalising Bangladesh's services trade: Is joining TISA (Trade in Services Agreement) the way to go? South Asia Economic Journal. Forthcoming
14. Jansen van Rensburg, S.J., Viviers, W., Cameron, M. and Parry, A. 2019. Identifying export opportunities between IORA member states using the TRADE-DSM® methodology: A case involving South Africa and Thailand. Journal of Indian Ocean Region, 15(1):78-96.
(Available from Taylor and Francis Online)
15. Kleynhans, E.P.J. 2019. Kommentaar op die artikels van Prof Wessel Pienaar rakende riglyne by die keuse van padbouprojekte deur die Suid-Afrikaanse owerheid. Tydskrif vir Geesteswetenskappe, 59(1):157-162.
(Available from Scielo)
16. Kleynhans, E.P.J. & Coetzee, C. 2019. Assessment of financial conditions of South African Municipalities: A unique model for KwaZulu Natal. Southern African Business Review, 23:1-5. doi.org/10.25159/1998-8125/4396.
(Available from African Journals Online)
17. Mapendere, P., Schenck. C.J. & Blaauw, P.F. 2019. “Half a loaf is better than nothing”: the risks and resilience of day labourers in Cape Town. Social Work/Maatskaplike Werk, 55(3), 311-328.
18. Meyer, D.F. 2019. An analysis of the causal relationship between economic development, good governance and political stability in Malaysia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change. 5(2): 639-657.
19. Meyer, D.F., & Habanabakize, T. 2019. An assessment of the value of PMI and manufacturing sector growth in predicting overall economic output (GDP) in South Africa. International Journal of eBusiness and eGovernment Studies, 11(2):1-6.
(Available from Sobiad)
20. Meyer, D.F. 2019. A quantitative assessment of the impact of government activities on the economy of Poland.Journal of Eastern European and Central Asian Research.
21. Meyer, D.F. 2019. The Tourism Sector in Malaysia: An Analysis of the Impact of Economic Growth, Political Instability and the Exchange Rate Other concept papers.International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 5(2), 658-678.
22. Meyer, D.F. & De Jongh, J.J. 2019. Application of the Multi-dimensional Regional Economic Development Index (MREDI) in the metropolitan regions of South Africa.Acta Universitatis Danubius. Economica,15(5).
23. Meyer, D.F. & Meyer, N. 2019. Assessment of Inclusive Growth Performance: A Comparative Analysis of the BRICS Countries.Acta Universitatis Danubius. Economica,15(4), 191-207.
24. Meyer, D.F., & Sanusi, K.A. 2019. A causality analysis of the relationship between gross fixed capital formation, economic growth and employment in South Africa. Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai Oeconomica, 64(1):33-44 DOI: 10.2478/subboec-2019-0003.
(Available from Scielo)
25. Orkoh, E., Blaauw, P.F. & Claassen, C. 2019. Relative effects of income and consumption poverty on time poverty in Ghana. Social Indicators Research, DOI: 10.1007/s11205-019-02158-0 .
26. Mosala, S.J., Venter, J.C. & Bain, E.G. 2019. The national democratic revolution (NDR) in South Africa: An ideological journey. Koers, forthcoming.
27. Sanusi, K.A., Hassan, A.S. & Meyer, D.F. 2019. Non-linear Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Countries.International Journal of Economics and Management,13 (1), 193-202.
28. Sanusi, K.A., Meyer, D.F., & Hassan, A.S. 2019. An investigation of the determinants of foreign exchange reserves in Southern African countries. Journal of International Studies, 12(2), 201-212. doi:10.14254/2071-8330.2019/12-2/12.
(Available from Ceelo)
29. Shah, S.S.H., Khan, M.A., Meyer, N., Meyer, D.F. & Oláh, J. 2019 Does Herding Bias Drive the Firm Value? Evidence from the Chinese Equity Market.Sustainablilty,11(20), 5583, 1-21
30. Schneck, C.J., Blaauw, P.F., Viljoen, J.M.M. & Swart, E. 2019. Exploring the potential health risks faced by waste pickers in landfills in South Africa: A socio-ecological perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(11): 2059.
(Available from MDPI)
31. Schneck, C.J., Blaauw, P.F., Viljoen, J.M.M., Swart, C.C. & Mudavanhu, N. 2019. The management of South Africa's landfills and waste pickers on them: Impacting lives and livelihoods. Development Southern Africa, 36(1):80-98. DOI:10.1080/0376835X.2018.1483822.
(Available from Taylor and Francis Online)
32. Viljoen, J.M.M., Blaauw, P.F. & Schneck, C.J. 2019. The opportunities and value-added activities of buy-back centres in South Africa's recycling industry: A value-chain analysis. Local economy, 34(3):294-315.
33. Walters, J., Vorster, K., Rheeder, R. & Venter, J. 2019. Theoconomy: An ethical paradigm for economic prosperity. In die Skriflig, forthcoming.
(Available from In die Skriflig)
34. Walters, J., Vorster, K. & Venter, J. 2019. Theoconomy: Fixing the forecasting error. In die Skriflig, forthcoming.
(Available from In die Skriflig)
2018 (pdf), 2017 (pdf), 2016 (pdf), 2015 (pdf), 2014 (pdf), 2013 (pdf) and 2012 (pdf)
Peer reviewed papers in non-accredited journals
1. Grater, S., Parry, A. & Viviers, W. 2017. Realising the Potential of Services SMEs in Developing Economies. International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development (ICTSD) Issue Paper. Geneva, Switzerland.
(Available from ICTSD)
2. Blaauw, D. 2017. Informele indiensname in Suid-Afrika - dit gaan al swaarder. (Informal employment in South Africa - it's getting tougher). Woord & Daad/Word & Action, 56(430):26-28.
(Available from Sabinet)
3. Fliess, B., E. Idsardi and R. Rossouw (2017), “Export controls and competitiveness in African mining and minerals processing industries”, OECD Trade Policy Papers, No. 204, OECD Publishing, Paris. Geneva, Switzerland.
(Available from OECD iLibrary)
1. Viljoen JMM, Blaauw PF & Schenck CJ. 2016. Sometimes you don't make enough to buy food" - an analysis of South African street waste pickers' income. ERSA Working paper 603. April.
(Available from Economic Research Southern Africa)
1. Cuyvers, L. & Soeng, R. 2013. The impact of the EU Generalized System of Preferences on exports and GSP utilization by Asian and Latin American countries. Journal of International Trade Law and Policy, 12(1):80-97.
(Available from Emerald Insight)
2. Cuyvers, L., Chen, L., Goethals, L. & Ghislain, S. 2013. EU-ASEAN FTAs: Does one size fit all? CAS discussion paper no. 91.
(Available from Collections at UNU)
3. Cuyvers, L., Assawaphanichkul, O., Ekasittipol, T., Laphasuk, S. & Mhuensai, P. 2013. Market Profile: Thailand’s export potential of tamarinds to the USA. ASEAN Business Case Studies No 33. ISSN-2031-4027.
(Available from University of Antwerp)
4. Cuyvers, L., Chamroenprucks, K., Maninopparatana, S., Chumasaratul, T. & Thananan, N. 2013. Market profile: potentials for make-up cosmetics exports of Thailand to Japan. ASEAN Business Case Studies No. 32. ISSN-2031-4027.
(Available from University of Antwerp)
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