Newsletter Issue #4E


NEWSLETTER ISSUE #4/2017       

TRADE-DSM™ going places

The TRADE-DSM™ was recently showcased at the North-West University’s SETHI (Science, Engineering, Technology and Health Innovations) exhibition in Potchefstroom. Staged this year from 21-24 August 2017, SETHI Explosions is one of the most prestigious events in the NWU’s calendar, giving faculties the opportunity of displaying the results of their innovative research and development work (and resulting commercial opportunities and projects) to industry and other stakeholders. It was the first time that the TRADE-DSM™ was selected for the SETHI exhibition, underscoring its growing reputation as a technologically sound and practical methodology that streamlines the process of identifying and prioritising high-potential export opportunities. The application of the TRADE-DSM™ not only makes for more cost-effective market (and associated product) selection; it also contributes to national industrial and trade policies, as well as various sector strategies.

Two members of the TRADE-DSM™ team, Mr Martin Cameron and Mr Francois Fouche of the NWU spin-out company, TRADE Advisory, have been working with several institutions in recent months on projects involving the application of the TRADE-DSM™ as well as running international trade and economic analysis workshops. 

Workshop participants have included South Africa’s Department of Trade and Industry (dti), Trade and Investment KwaZulu-Natal (TIKZN), the North West Provincial Government Department of Economy and Enterprise Development, Tshwane Economic Development Agency (TEDA), Limpopo Department of Economic Development, Environment and Tourism (LEDET) and Wesgro, as well as (at a regional level) the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) Secretariat in Namibia and the Botswana Investment and Trade Centre. On the project front, TRADE Advisory has constructed an enhanced TRADE-DSM™  for Rwanda to assist the government of that country in strengthening its industrial and trade policies – a project that was commissioned by the International Growth Centre (IGC) at the London School of Economics. The TRADE Advisory team has also recently completed a private sector study aimed at assisting a South African medical device and equipment supplier to develop an Africa export strategy.


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Issue #1/2015