Submission guidelines

Submission guidelines

Submission guidelines for oral presentations and poster sessions

Abstracts must be submitted via the ConfTool system before the deadline indicated. Abstracts submitted after the deadline will not be considered. Abstracts not complying with the submission guidelines will be returned before entering the review process, and authors will be invited to resubmit. For an abstract to enter the review process and be considered for presentation at the conference, the following guidelines must be met:

Length: The total text length of an abstract should be between 550 and 700 words, excluding references (10 references maximum). References can be uploaded in the same box in ConfTool and will not count in the word limit.

Title: Use a short title to clearly indicate the nature of the research/project/contribution; capitalize the first letter of each word; do not use abbreviations in the title.

Text only

Abstracts must contain text only. Images (photos, figures, and tables) are not accepted


Use a short title to clearly indicate the nature of the research/project/ contribution; capitalize the first letter of each word; do not use abbreviations in the title.

Authors' names

 Include all authors' names, institutional affiliations, and e-mail addresses during the online submission process.


 Abstracts should be written in English.

Formatting and style

APA 7th edition.


Guidelines for Scholarly or Professional Panel Discussion, Debate, Workshop, or Symposium

For a Scholarly or Professional Panel Discussion, Debate, Workshop, or Symposium, the submission of one general abstract of 250 words maximum about the entire symposium is required, with three to five additional abstracts of specific presentations of 250 words maximum for each abstract within the symposium. The abstract should contain a title, author(s), institutional or business affiliation of each author with an associated email, purpose and aims of the session, full description of the session, who will benefit, and any other pertinent information. Questions and procedures must be clearly specified for a proposed debate session, and all the individuals involved in the sessions must be listed.

Guidelines for Professional Practice Presentations

We are excited to invite industry leaders, practitioners, and professionals to submit abstracts for the upcoming WASM Conference, a premier platform for sharing insights, innovations, and expertise that shape the future of the global sport industry. This conference aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry by fostering dialogue, collaboration, and knowledge exchange. We welcome submissions highlighting real-world challenges, innovative solutions, and cutting-edge practices in sport management. Whether you lead transformative strategies, implement groundbreaking technologies, or address critical issues such as diversity, sustainability, or governance, your contributions are invaluable.

Presentations can take the form of case studies, best practices, or thought-provoking discussions that reflect your professional context and needs for research. This is an opportunity to share your expertise, inspire academic inquiry, and collaborate with peers to address the pressing challenges and opportunities in the sport industry.

Abstracts should be of no more than 300 words and clearly outline the focus, relevance, and impact of your proposed presentation. Selected presenters can engage with a global audience of academics, practitioners, and policymakers.




WASM Conference Best Paper Award 2026

Researchers are invited to submit a Short Paper to be considered for the WASM Best Paper Award 2026, which will be awarded at the conference in Cape Town. To be considered for this award, applicants submit a Short Paper (min 2,000 - max 2,500 words, including tables/figures and captions but excluding references) in addition to their standard Abstract. The submission should be based on new research that has not been published/accepted or under review as a journal article. In the first round, submissions are filtered based only on the strength of the respective Abstract submitted simultaneously with the Short Paper. In the second round, the remaining Short Papers are independently evaluated by the Award Committee. In the final round, the Committee selects the winner from the shortlisted papers.


WASM Conference Best Reviewer Award 2026

The WASM Best Conference Reviewer Award recognises outstanding dedication in providing knowledgeable reviews in a collegial spirit to promote both the development of colleagues’ work and the overall scientific quality of the conference. The Conference Scientific Committee acts as the award committee, informed by the Conference Track Review Chairs.


Please note the following conference policy:

Restrictions on presenters: maximum two presentations per participant; the presenting author (as indicated and, if necessary, updated in the system by the submitting author) must have registered and paid the conference fee by 30 Aug 2025 (early bird fee) or 15 Dec (standard fee) to avoid exclusion from the conference programme and the book of abstracts.


Key Dates

15 May 2025 - Abstract or Proposal & Optional Short Paper Submission deadline

31 July 2025 - Abstract Review feedback

20 Aug 2025 - Early Bird Registration

Sept - 15 Dec 2025 - Regular Registration


Submit abstract