Staff - Labour Relations

  Prof Herman Linde

  +27 18 299 1370
  Building E3, Room 213, Potchefstroom
  BCom Human Resource Management; BCom Hons Human Resource Management and Labour Relations Management, MA Labour Relations Management; PhD Labour Relations Management

  Prof Bennie Linde

  Chair: Research Ethics Committee
  +27 18 299 1427
  Building E3, Room 221, Potchefstroom
  BCom Hons (PU for CHE); MCom (PU for CHE); Ph.D. (Tilburg University, the Netherlands)

  Prof Elsabé Keyser

  Associate professor
  +27 16 90 3423
  G23, Vanderbijlpark
  Group dynamics, labour relations management, skills development, collective bargaining and negotiations, performance management, labour economics, local economic development research and contract types such as contract of employment

  Ms Felicity Van Vrede

  Junior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1428
  Building E3, Room 206, Potchefstroom
  B.Proc, L.L.B.
  Labour Law, Labour Relations, Conflict Management and Workplace Mediation

  Dr Leon Moolman

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3421
  Building 7, Office G18, Vanderbijlpark
  B.Com, Hons B.Com, MCom, PhD.
  Labour Relations Management, Labour Law, Diversity Management, Employment Equity, Affirmative Action, Employment Relations.

  Prof Paul Smit

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1396
  Building E3, 205, Potchefstroom
  BA; HOD(N); Honns BA; MA; PhD (Labour Relations Management); Registered Masters HR Professional (Employment Relations)

  Dr Werner Gresse

  Senior Lecturer/Program leader
  016 910 ****
  Building B7, Kamer 108 A2, Vanderbijlpark
  BCom, BCom(Hons), M.Com PhD (Labour Relations)
  Labour relations, Anticipatory Psychological Contract, Expectations and Entitlement