Staff - Governance, Ethics, Assurance and Risk

  Mr Jack Jonck

  Subject Chair: Auditing
  +27 18 285 2551
  Building E5, Office 224, Potchefstroom
  CA (SA)

  Ms Elsabé Kilian

  Programme Leader: Chartered Accountancy
  +27 18 285 2254
  Building E5, Room 211, Potchefstroom
  MCom, CA (SA)

  Prof André Nel

  Associate Professor
  +27 18 299 1449
  Building E5, Office 220, Potchefstroom
  MCom, CA(SA), RA

  Ms Anja Bouwsema

  Building E5, Office 201, Potchefstroom

  Ms Elizabeth Ritho

  Senior Lecturer: Thuthuka Project Manager
  018 285 2256
  Building E5, Office 221, Potchefstroom

  Prof Jacqui-Lyn Mcintyre-Louw

  Associate Professor
  018 299 1353
  Building E5, Room 205, Potchefstroom
  Hons B Accounting, CA (SA), MCom Forensic Accounting, (FP)SA, CFE, PhD

Lovedelia Kganakga

  Mrs Lovedelia Kganakga

  018 389 2719
  Building A3, Block A, Office 206, Mahikeng
  Professional Accountants SA

  Ms Monique Du Plessis

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 16 910 3370
  Building A7, Vanderbijlpark
  MCom Tax, CA(SA)

  Ms Odette Geyer

  Senior Lecturer
  016 910 3620
  Building A7, Vanderbijlpark
  CA (SA)

  Mr Riyaadh Bhayat

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 389 2147
  Building A3, Block A, Mahikeng
  CA(SA); Professional Accountant SA, MCom

  Ms Rolé van der Merwe

  Senior Lecturer
  +27 18 299 1447
  Building E5, Office 203, Potchefstroom

  Mr Ronald Nhleko

  Senior Lecturer
  MCom (Cum Laude)

Tebogo Ignitius Dipale

  Mr Tebogo Ignitius Dipale

  Junior Lecturer
  018 389 9009
  Building A3, Block A, Mahikeng

  Mr Thapelo Kgabage

  Building A3, Block A, Office 246, Mahikeng
  Professional Accountant (SA)

  Prof Anneke Moolman

  Associate Professor
  +27 16 910 3383
  Building A7, Vanderbijlpark
  Master of Commerce, CA(SA), PhD