Esmarie Myburgh

Esmarie Myburgh
Job title
Senior Lecturer
+27 18 299 1401
Physical address
Building E3, Room 222

Bcom, Hons, MCom, PhD

Sport tourism, sport event management and marketing and sport tourism commitment

Esmarie Myburgh obtained her BCom Communication Management degree in 2012. In the same year, she commenced with her BCom Tourism Management honours degree and was appointed as a Tourism honours assistant. She obtained her honours degree in 2013 (cum laude); in the same year, she began with her MCom Tourism Management degree and was appointed as a Tourism research assistant. She received her MCom Tourism Management degree in 2014 (cum laude) and in the same year she registered for her PhD in Tourism Management, which is titled, Developing a commitment framework for sport tourism in South Africa. She has written several research reports under the supervision of Prof Elmarie Slabbert and assisted in compiling the 2013 Southern African Institute of Management Scientists (SAIMS) conference proceedings. Esmarie has published various articles in accredited, national and international academic journals, and has presented papers at national and international conferences. In 2017, she was awarded the Second Best Paper at the ISCONTOUR Postgraduate Student Conference in Salzburg, Austria. In the same year, she is nominated by the NRF in the category Research Excellence of Next Generation Researcher. In the second year that Esmarie registered for her PhD, she started working as temporary lecturer in the School of Business Management at the North-West University. In July of 2017, she was appointed as a lecturer at the School of Tourism Management. In her short working career at the NWU, Esmarie has lectured four undergraduate modules, supervised six post-graduate honours students’ mini-dissertations, and acted as faculty advisor of the student committee Excursio. Esmarie forms part of the EU-funded project Green Bubbles, which focuses on sustainable scuba-diving in Europe. She aims to apply her PhD framework on scuba-divers that form part of the project. In 2015, she received the Vice-chancellor’s Medal as the best master’s degree student at the North-West University in the category Commerce. In the same year, she receives the award for best post-graduate published journal article from the research unit TREES. She furthermore has received the awards for the best magister student and honours student in Tourism Management as well as best magister student in the School of Business Management. She is a member of the Golden Key International Honours Society for outstanding academic achievement.