Contact us

Contact us banner

Mahikeng Campus

Physical address:

General Academic Building
Block C - Room 173 
Corner of Albert Luthuli & University Drive

Postal address:

Private Bag X2046, Internal box 575
Mahikeng Campus
North-West University


PA to the Deputy Dean - Comunity Engagement & Stakeholder Relations

Estie Emtoch

Students enquiries

Disekwane Mheta

Mmakadi Seemise






Potchefstroom Campus

Physical address:

 Building E3 -Room 117
Hoffman Street

Postal Address:

Private Bag X6001, Internal box 300
Potchefstroom Campus
North-west University


PA to the Deputy Dean - Research & Innovation

Jana Jacobs

Students enquiries

Melanie Roodt

Lebo Ramatsa


Executive Dean's Office

PA to the Executive Dean 

Nombulelo Gumede


Senior Liaison Officer 

Jani van der Vyver



Social Media Channels 




Vanderbijlpark Campus

Physical address:

Building A22 -Room 105
Hendrik Van Eck Blvd


Postal address:

PO Box 1174, Internal box 125
Vanderbijlpark Campus
North-West University


PA to the Deputy Dean - Teaching & Learning

Helei Jooste

Students enquiries

Anna-Marie van der Elst